Third trimester, here we come!

I can not believe we've made it through the first two trimesters. Welcome to the final, home stretch!

I learned a lot at my doctor’s appointment this week. Mostly about the delivery which is now just about 2 months away. Eek!! One of the perk of having twins? Not going to full term and not having to wait the full 40 weeks to meet our sweet babies! My specialist expects me to go to 38 weeks, which would be November 24 (the week of Thanksgiving…and what a reason to be thankful!!) and my OBGYN expects me to go to 37 weeks, which is November 17, just a few days after my birthday! My goal has always been to make it to 36 weeks, which is November 10, a couple of days before my birthday, so it’s very encouraging to know the doctors have such confidence in me. I want these babies to “bake” as long as possible so we don’t have to worry about bed rest, NICU, extended hospital stay, etc. I fully expect to take both of our children home with us as soon as I’m released from the hospital. Brian and I both believe that positive thinking makes all the difference.

Brian and I have been going to our childbirth classes the past two weeks (which have been quite entertaining, to say the least!), and we have learned a lot. We tend to laugh through most of the class, because let’s be honest, if you don’t laugh, this stuff gets awfully scary! So far, Brian has told me that he doesn’t want us to have a natural birth because he wouldn’t be able to stand seeing me in so much pain, and that he doesn’t want to be in the room for the same reason. Haha! I told him too bad on that last part. At first he was all about me getting an epidural, but then he saw how long the needle was, and then he wasn’t so sure about it!

This is how it’s really going to go: I would like to have a natural birth, but I’m not subscribing to a very strict birth plan. We’re just going to go with the flow and do what’s best for the babies (and what’s best for me, Brian says). My doctor told me that we can only try for a natural birth if both babies are head down. Right now, neither child is cooperating, but I know we have some time. There are too many risks with twins to do it any other way. If we do have a natural birth, I have been strongly encouraged to have an epidural, due to the fact that we might have to go into emergency surgery at any given time. I will labor in the labor & delivery room, and then when it’s time to deliver, they will take me to the operating room where they can be ready to go with an emergency C-section at any time. There will be a ton of people in the room with us since each baby gets his and her own nurse. My mom and Brian will be in the room with me.

I’m now supposed to be paying attention to fetal movement and making sure they keep swimming around in there! Honestly, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. Emily “flutters” all day, and Isaac pushes into the right side of my belly throughout the day, as well as giving me good strong kicks/hits. I’m starting to be able to see his movements just by looking down at my belly. Such a cool thing!

It’s all getting so real. My belly continues to grow. It truly is amazing how God makes our bodies. Who knew your belly could stretch to such extremes!? It’s been harder to find clothes to wear, but I’m making it work. People keep saying they will be surprised if I make it here at work until it’s time to deliver, but I’m honestly not worried. My blood pressure is low and my blood sugar is good. I’m not in pain. I have normal pregnancy symptoms: swollen feet and hands, short of breath, a few of my fingertips have gone numb (what a weird sensation), tired, etc. But NOTHING I can’t handle. God has truly blessed me!!
24 weeks
26 weeks
27 weeks...the end of my second trimester

Bring on the third trimester!


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