
Brian grew up with labs. I've heard many a story about Chief and Taffy, the black labs he had in his childhood. So when he found out one of his customers' dogs was having puppies, he asked if we could get one. How could I say no? Even though we were in the process of remodeling our home, moving, etc. we thought a new addition to the Crager family would be just what we needed.
A quick trip to Zavalla and $100 later had an adorable yellow lab, which Brian named Rocky.
When we first got him, he was about Scooter's size, fluffy and sweet. Since then he's grown to about 30 pounds, and the vet promises he will be "huge." I've never had a big dog before. As a child, I had a dalmatian that stayed outside, but since Rocky's not a big fan of being in the sun, he has remained an indoor pet. I can't imagine what it will be like when he grows to his full size. Since he likes to lay down right in your way now, it should be interesting when he's double or triple his current size...

It's so fun to watch his personality grow, as well as how fast he has physically grown. He's lazy and loving. He still thinks he's a lap dog at times. If you squat down, he likes to put his paws over your legs and lay there. He loves sticks and bothering Scooter. He has the sweetest olive-colored eyes.

He really has made our little family complete.

This was Rocky on June 23. He was still so little then.
Liz loves Rocky!
This was the first time we saw Rocky. He was only 3 weeks old at the time.
Look at those massive paws!
This is more of what he looks like now. Such a sweet boy.
Rocky is so good at the vet!


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