23 weeks

I’ve been on a roll with this whole blogging thing lately. Then again, there’s been a lot to share. It seems like every week something new and exciting is happening with these babies.

I started my 23rd week on Sunday. It really seems like time is flying by. We, of course, had our ultrasound last week, but then something really amazing started happening. Instead of the little flutters (or what I can only describe as muscle twitches) that I’ve been feeling for weeks, now we’re getting some “thumping” action. On Tuesday (or was it Wednesday?) Brian and I were lying on the couch, and he was able to feel Emily move for the first time. It was pretty incredible. And believe it or not, it made everything even more real. I’m so glad to finally be able to share this with my husband! On Friday night, we were on our way to a wedding, and I could really feel Isaac moving. I put Brian’s hand on my stomach, and he got one really good strong kick. I got teary-eyed!

I know the kicks and movements get even stronger from here on out, and we can’t wait. Although, I’m not really looking forward to the alien-like movements that people describe when the babies are much bigger and really squirming around. Creepy!


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