22 week ultrasound

Best part about having twins?
All the ultrasounds!

We got to see our precious babies yesterday, and they put on quite a show for us! Emily and Isaac were both little wiggle worms. I think they get that from their Daddy! It's always a little relief when you get to see them moving and squirming around and to hear the heart beats. Mom and Brian both came to the ultrasound. This was Mom's first time to see them, and I know she loved it!

Emily weighs 1 lb 2 oz. Isaac weighs 1 lb 3 oz. With twins you have the concern that one twin will grow bigger than the other, but our babies are right on track. Emily is in a breech position and pretty low. She is the one I feel all the time! Isaac is sitting above my belly button and spans the width of my tummy. He's all stretched out, and probably the one who makes sitting too long uncomfortable as he moves his way up under my ribs. :)

In our past ultrasounds, Emily has always been the little show boat, and Isaac is much more reserved. The same was true this time, too. Emily would not sit still. She was very hard to photograph. I wonder if that's what their personalities will be like when they make their big debut later this year!

During this ultrasound, we had to wait a while on the doctor so the ultrasound tech had time to really show us the babies. While we were watching, Emily had both hands up near her face and we could see her mouth moving like she was drinking! So cool to really see her move rather than just the still pictures. Isaac had his thumb up near his chin. Will he be a thumb sucker? Maybe! He also gave us a #1 sign. I guess he's trying to prove his place despite the fact he will be our youngest! haha.
Not sure who this is, but it's a great profile picture!

The specialist said both babies look extremely healthy and everything is going along just fine. She said she plans for us to make it to 38 weeks! That would be great, especially since I've heard how little white boys tend to struggle more if they come too early. I want Isaac and Emily to both come home with us right away. No NICU. But, as we always remind ourselves, we're just going with the flow. Whatever happens, happens. God is in control of this situation. And thank goodness for that!

Here are pictures of our precious babies. We are so incredibly in love it's unreal!!

Emily's little face

It's a little hard to tell, but this is a shot of Emily looking down on the top of her head, and that's her little arm and hand.

Isaac is #1 

Look at Isaac's strong good spine


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