Growing up too fast...

This weekend we celebrated Liz's 6th birthday. Even though her actual birthday is June 23, her mom wanted to send out invitations to her school friends. They were all so cute playing at the water park in Chambers Park.

Liz and her friend Danielle from school
The party was safari themed, and our sweet preacher's wife Lara Jane made the most amazing cupcakes and cake for the party.

It's hard to believe this little one is going to be 6 years old next month. When I first met her, she was only 3 1/2. She was tiny and precious (she's still pretty precious!). She was shy and still had so much to learn.

Now she's in her last week in kindergarten and has grown into such a beautiful, sweet young lady. I'm so proud of how much she has learned in school, her go-get-'em attitude and spunk.

Here's a few of my favorite pics from the party!

But that wasn't the only big excitement we had this weekend...

Liz has had this loose tooth hanging by a thread for quite some time now. Her daddy finally pulled it last night using a little floss and barely any effort. She was so excited!! The (very generous) Tooth Fairy paid her a visit last night and brought $4! Wow! I think I only got a quarter when I was a kid.

What a tiny tooth
She was so adorable. When Brian said he would pull it, she said, "Yesss!!"

Then much to our surprise...this morning she said she was ready for another tooth to be pulled. We think that because the first tooth was so easy, she got a little brave. The tooth Brian pulled this morning bled a little more, but she was still pretty stoked.

Tooth #2
So the Tooth Fairy better hit the ATM today! haha.


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