81 degrees on March 1

Love, love this weather. It's only the first day of March and it's in the 80s.
But I'm a little worried about this summer. It's already so hot now, what is August going to feel like?! Eek!
This morning I actually contemplated unpacking all of my summer clothes, just so I would have something to wear!
Just thankful for a job in which I stay in my office all day. :)

Last night Brian and I went on "date night" which included going up to the hospital at 7 so our local TV station could do an interview with a woman who gave birth on Leap Day, eating on the picnic tables at Five Guys (our first time there...awesome fries!!), Shoe Carnival to return B's shoes and Old Navy. Not too exciting, but it was nice to get out and do something fun. I had strep throat all weekend and the week before I worked late almost every night. And of course, I always enjoy some one-on-one time with my handsome husband. (In fact, he just surprised me at work! He never takes a break, much less to come visit me....I thought something was wrong! haha. Turns out, he was just being super sweet!)

We have decided we are the oldest young couple EVER!! But that's ok with us. Every other week now we have one less day with Liz so it's been a little nice to just be a young married couple without too many responsibilities. But at times, it's hard to find things to do! We are so used to our strict routine: dinner, homework, bath time, story time, bed time for Liz, and then crashing on the couch for an hour or so before we go to bed. I guess we will just have to find something different to do rather than our usual watch a movie on the couch. I think Daylight Savings Time will help. I can't wait for it to still be light outside when Brian comes home. We could walk the dogs, work in the yard, whatever!

 About to head home and enjoy this beautiful weather!


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