Time for a Change

It's time for a change.

I spent the entire weekend in bed. Two weeks ago was the same story. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with strep throat. This is nothing new to me. I usually get strep about twice a year. Not fun at all. Then, last Thursday I started feeling sick again. By Friday afternoon, my boss sent me home. Saturday and Sunday I stayed in my PJs and felt miserable. I was out of work again on Tuesday. Sooo frustrating. I can deal with the being sick part. It's the fact that I have to put life on hold because of it. There's so much more I want to do rather than laying around on the couch for 2-4 days. (Even though, I kind of like it for the first day or so. Not the sick part. Just the relaxing, no need to do anything else part.)

It seems like I am always sick. In fact, now that I think about it...I know for sure that I have been sick 3 Christmases in a row. This past year, I was still getting over being sick in November. The year before, I didn't think I would make it to Christmas at my family's house. And the year before I had pneumonia. (Brian and I had only been dating a few weeks when I started getting sick that year. I knew he was the one for me because he took such good care of me then. Still does.) And that's just the month of December. I know I was sick this past summer and sometime in the spring, too.

It's just ridiculous.

I never used to get sick when I was a kid. I was the healthy child until the summer before my junior year of high school. I got mono after I drank after the little boy I was babysitting. It was all downhill from there. That was 10 years ago. Since that time, I've had strep numerous times, the flu a handful of times, pneumonia and more upper respiratory infections that I can count. I will always be remembered at KARK for giving the entire newsroom the flu in 2008. Not a great legacy to leave. It's miserable always being the one with the sniffles and the racking cough. After a while, no one has any sympathy. That's what I realized this weekend. No one feels sorry for the girl who is always sick.

Don't get me wrong. My husband is amazing. He takes care of me when I'm sick: making soup, watching movies with me, cleaning the house. But even he gets tired of it. And I can't blame him at all.

So it's time for a change. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday, and I really hope he can find out why I get sick so much. And what we can do about it. This is a new doctor for me. My parents have used him for years. My doctor is too passive. When I see my doctor, he just gives me another dose of amoxicillian and never really gets to the real reason I'm sick. Mom said her doctor is very thorough which I think is exactly what I need.

On top of that, I'm ready to get my overall health back, as well. I've complained for years about my weight. I've gained too much "happy" weight since I married Brian. I keep making excuses for not getting on the treadmill or taking the dogs for a walk, or exercising at all. But that's got to stop. And I can't keep waiting for someone else to make me do it. I have said in the past, "Well, if I had someone to work out with, then I would." Or "If only I had someone to encourage me more." But that's not going to happen. And I can't put it off because I'm worried I won't have enough time for my family. I want to be around for a long time and so I have to do this now for myself and for my family.

I have so many friends who just ran the LR Marathon and 1/2 Marathon. And so many more who are on the 5K kick. Not that I EVER want to run a marathon, but who's to say that I couldn't?

At this point, I just want to feel good again. I know my family would appreciate that too.


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