An update on life: marketing, reading, training and remodeling

So, the last time I updated my blog, I made the announcement that I would be leaving The Lufkin News and taking a positions with Memorial. I've been here for more than a month now, and I am loving it!

It's very different from the news business: Much slower paced, and I'm getting used to not having a daily deadline or roaming around town in the middle of the day. My boss is great and so is my co-worker, Lindsey, who will be having a baby at any moment now.

I'm learning a lot, and as my friend Lindsey from KARK would tell me, "If you're not learning something new every day, then you're not doing your job." So true. I'm meeting a lot of people. And I'm learning how to write press releases rather than writing stories from said releases. There's definitely a learning curve, but I think I have adjusted well., so far

Sweet Brian came up to my office last weekend and helped me hang my pictures and diploma. He is the master at hanging pictures so that they are straight. I am not. :) When he comes up to the office, you can tell he is really proud of me, and that makes me even more proud of myself.

In other Crager family news: Mary Liz is reading! OK, so the books are only a few pages long with sentences like, "I can see the dog sit," but still, she reads it like a pro. Each night she brings home a library book for us to read together. Monday night was the first time. She sat in between me and Brian on the couch and read her book through with minimal help from us and minimal struggles. Brian and I kept looking at each other over her head with the biggest smiles on our faces. It's hard to believe she is growing up so fast. When she first started kindergarten, she told us she hated it. But over Christmas break, she kept telling us she was ready to go back. I think the light bulb has finally come on for her and she is starting to enjoy school. Hallelujah!!

Our other "child" Rocky began puppy training classes this past Sunday. The trainer tells us he really is a good dog, just hyper. We already knew that. People tell us all the time that labs don't really mature until they are about 2 years old. Uh-oh! Rocky is a little more than 8 months old now. But, he really is a good, loveable dog. He catches onto things quickly, but he is 70 pounds worth of pure energy

Brian has been working the past few months renovating a new rent house that my dad bought. Those two are peas in a pod and really have a lot of fun remodeling, painting, tiling, hanging trim, and whatnot. It's good that they get along so well and have a hobby together. This house is nearly finished (with the renters already living in it), and they are already talking about working on another house. Oh dear... All I ask is that the closet doors in my house get hung before that happens. :)

Random, but I like reading The Bloggess, a blog I stumbled across one day. While her posts can be slightly vulgar and very crazy, I really liked this post I saw today. The blogger struggles with depression, but has a great perspective and an awesome sense of humor. It really is all in how you look at it. I chose to see goodness where others find evil. Call me naive, and I will call you negative.


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