New Year's Resolutions

So I'm a little late on this one, but I just haven't felt very inspired to write the past couple of weeks. However, I've been on a role at work the past couple of days, and it always helps to keep the juices flowing with a little fun and easy writing.

Our New Year's Eve was spent in the backwoods of Huntington with friends of my dad's. The food was yummy and the fireworks were amazing! Seriously. We're talking professional display, here. We headed home before ringing in the New Year, but Brian and I powered through to watch the ball drop (twice). We came up with a couple of resolutions, trying to stay away from the typical, "I will work out," or "I will eat better" stuff that always fails (at least for me!) within a couple of weeks. While I would like to shed some poundage and eat better, that's not what my focus is going to be for 2013.

My focus will be on growing my relationship with the Lord. He has provided so many blessings, so many tests of faith, and so much love. Brian and I are working on a plan to help strengthen our church, and in that I hope we grow spiritually closer to each other and to the Lord.

I'm not sure if this is considered a resolution or not, but my "hope" for 2013 is to become a mother. And of course, to be the best step-mother that ever walked this planet! I've always dreamed of having a baby and of being a mother. I think a baby is God's greatest I pray He blesses us with in the future. While being a mom may be my New Year's "resolution," I am still patiently waiting on God's timing, because I KNOW it is perfect. It's not always easy when you want something so much and yet have absolutely no control over it. Then again, do we really have control over anything in our lives? No. God does, though. And I will trust in Him to provide a baby when the time is just perfect. Just like how He provided me with a husband and family at just the perfect time in my life. In the meantime, I will continue to love on my sweet 6-year-old, teaching her right from wrong, showing her compassion and generosity, teaching her how to love the Lord and helping her achieve her goals.

I have also resolved to read my Bible more. At our Ladies' Live & Learn night at church, Lara Jane encouraged us to develop a spiritual goal in 2013, and I decided I needed to spend more time in the Word. (I'm also working on the spiritual discipline of submission, but that's another story!) I brought my Harding study Bible (a well-loved, small NIV that I dutifully carried to every Bible class I had during college) to my office and have done well at reading most every morning. On my first morning of reading, I opened up my Bible asking the Lord to speak to me. I opened up to 2 Corinthians. Not exactly an uplifting book, but there were words in there that really spoke to a situation that Brian was experiencing. I thanked the Lord for providing me with the words my sweet husband needed to hear at just the right time. God is amazing like that.

Brian's resolution or "hope" for 2013 is to be successful at his job. He started his new job in October 2012 and has really loved it. I have loved the flexibility that allows for him to be home earlier and off on Saturdays. There have been times of discouragement, just like with any job, but I know he is so much happier than he was, and that's all that matters! I know the Lord will provide for us during this time of transition. There have already been so many ways that He has showed us his blessings in this time. Again, God is just amazing like that.

Liz's New Year's resolution is to eat more fruit. I guess that falls on me to help her with that one, considering I do the grocery shopping! :) haha.


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