Scooter Bug

When I was living in Little Rock all by myself, I decided I would get a dog. I was never really a "dog" person before, but a friend found this site and I fell in love with this precious Yorkshire Terrier.

Right away I knew his name would be Scooter. He is now 3 1/2 years old and always makes me smile. At nearly 6 pounds, he has the greatest personality. You can see his expressions all over his face, whether he's happy, sad or sleepy. He hates when I put clothes on him. He could chase a tennis ball for hours (which was great when I lived behind a tennis court...ample supply!). He has this weird habit of barking as he chases after said ball. He's very patient with our new puppy Rocky (more on him later). He follows me around all day just waiting for me to sit down so he can cuddle up in my lap.  He HATES the vet and having his nails clipped. He loves other dogs. He's smart and catches on quickly to new tricks, especially if there are treats involved. He gets so excited about riding in the car.

When Brian and I started dating, I told him this was a package deal: me and Scooter.

My sweet Scooter

Snow! He wasn't too sure about all of this. But mostly I think he just hates the sweater.

As hot as it can get in East Texas, Scooter loves laying in the sun.

As we remodeled our house, Scooter was such a good puppy.
This was our first night at the house, and I'm sure he had no idea what he was getting into for the next three months. He loved to sit in my lap while I worked, which sometimes meant he ended up with paint or wallpaper in his hair.

On our way to see family for Christmas.
Scooter LOVES riding in the car, which probably comes from the years of riding from Little Rock to Lufkin nearly every 4-6 weeks.


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