Our Twin Adventure
I've been putting this off for a long time. So long that I'm sure I have forgotten most everything. And in some ways I'm ok with that. Our NICU life was full of ups and downs. And the twins' arrival into this world was nothing short of an adventure. They are 15 months old now. Healthy. Strong. Beautiful. And we couldn't be more blessed. There are things of course, I'll never forget. The IVs in Emmy's head and the PIC line in her neck. The stories of Isaac shooting poop across his isolette. The waiting. The delays. And finally, getting to go home with each of them. Reading back through my blog posts from being pregnant, I had such high hopes of no bed rest and our children not having to experience the first of their lives in the NICU. But that obviously wasn't what God had in mind. At 33 weeks, my blood pressure skyrocketed, and my doctor put me in the hospital. Even at that time, I thought I would go longer, deliver later and not have to go to Houst...